Quantum Healing with Yve
We are spiritual Beings living a human experience
There is so much more to life than what we know
- Do you want answers to your questions?
- Are you on the path to spiritual ‘awakening’?
- Have you ever wondered what your mission here on earth is and whether you are on the right path?
“Find the joy in the journey”
You are one step closer to what could be the most profound and transformational experience of your life…….
Quantum Healing Hypnosis is an amazing journey of your consciousness and truly is a way of finding that all answers and healing lie within.
I will help you to remember your past life(s) and beyond and connect with your Higher Self by facilitating Quantum Healing regression modality QHHT® or BQH to get the insight you have been looking for, for so long.…..

QHHT® is known as the gold standard in past life regression for healing at the deepest spiritual level. It’s a special technique of hypnosis created by renowned past life regressive hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon. Certified Practitioners use the method “purely” and with strict adherence by following QHHT® scripts so that sessions are conducted in-person, just like Dolores Cannon would have conducted. There is no mixing of any other modality used within a session.

BQH is a regression modality based around Dolores Cannon’s QHHT® and was created by Candace Craw-Goldman, who was mentored by Dolores. The BQH method promotes the idea of allowing energy healers to use other modalities and resources within the session in service to their clients for e.g. meditations, reiki, crystals, sound or angel healing etc., and sessions can be conducted on-line. This means in-person sessions as well as online sessions are possible! However, Quantum Healing with Yve prefers to facilitate in-person only and does not do on-line sessions.
Although QHHT® and BQH are two regression modalities with different approaches, I feel both are highly informative therapies and are a unique personal journey, which are both relaxing and healing to the mind, body and spirit. Each modality helps to stimulate and raise the consciousness of others via direct communication with their Subconscious/Higher Self to find answers to their questions, facilitate healing and clear energies to propel them to the next stage of their life.